Proud to be part of the Focus-Trust

Rudheath Primary Academy

World Book Week

During the week of 27th February, the children will be working within their classes to create a class story, creative piece of writing or poem. These will be shared with the whole school on Friday 3rd March, we will then create a whole school book of our work which you will be able to read on our new website. 

On Thursday 2nd March, your child is invited to dress up for the day. Each year group has a theme - this will match the work they are doing in class that week. Please see below each year groups’ theme.

Nursery/Reception –         Pirates

Year One                 -           Toy

Year Two                  -           Superhero

Year Three               -           Greek Mythical chacters

Year Four                  -           Sea Creature/Monster

Year Five                  -           Vikings

Year Six                     -           Space